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Polar Express Photography

You only posted one image but we know you took more?We edit and post the best images and not the bad ones. We will post more than one if they are all good. We eliminate images with closed eyes, someone looking away or ones that have no smile (if the main one has a great smile).
What is the best way to buy a digital file?The best way to buy a digital file is to add it to one of our packages for only $15. The digital file by itself is $40, so for an extra $5.00 you can get some professional prints with packages 2A, 2B, 2C or 2D.
Are the digital files copyright released?Yes when you receive your digital file download link it will include a copyright release letter so you will be able to print anywhere that you would like.
When will we receive our prints?Usually it takes about two weeks. We receive your order at our studio to edit and make any changes. At that point your order gets sent to our professional lab - they will print, package and mail to your order address.
Our extended family had multiple codes we want to order from them all!Enter more than one code to see all of the images. Place as one order to save on shipping.
Our image is tilted do you fix that?We are photographing handheld and do not have time to put the camera on a tripod, images at time will be a little tiited - we will straigten during our editing process.
Why does the background poles show in our photos?The background is not large enough and the logo is tight to the top - so after you place your order we'll fix the edge and eliminate the background stands and edging. Wish we had the time to fix all the images before we post them - but that is a ton of work that we don't have the time for!!! As orders are placed we keep right on top editing the images for your orders.
Can you move eyes that are open in one photo to the other that they are closed?Yes definately text your access code to us at 315-730-1115 we'll fix and reupload. We'll also need to know the image to fix - we may need to give you a call!
We never received a digital download link?When you place your order you will receive an order confirmation / status page. Once we edit and upload your finished file there will be a download link on your order status page. We can always send you that link direct to your email upon request - sometimes things get lost in spam folders.
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