What do all of these portraits have in common - that were all taken at one amazing photography location right in the heart of Central New York. TH Photography has 10 acres of outdoor studio space with a wealth of spots that we have developed specifically for portrait photography. What is nice is this is a private location that our clients feel comfortable while having their portraits created.
In the creation of our outdoor portraits we stay away from the following 1) Speckled light striking the subject and 2) Backgrounds that are extremely bright and washed out. That is why we utilize our photo locations based on the time of day, so that we can utilize the sun to light the backgrounds and to create a separation light on the subjects.
This portrait was taken on the back part of our property where the land transforms into some woods.
This is a section of our land where we had a hickory tree cut down - one of the things that we love to work with is natural posing helpers.
This is the side of our land where some construction leftovers have been stored. Great time of day with the sun coming from behind.
Our 1957 ford pickup is a continuous hit every year
This is a section that we just let the weeds grow - we like to take the portraits here from a ladder
This gate awesome we let the weeds grow into it - add a lot of texture and color
This is an available light portrait underneath our barn
Our 100 plus year old barn has lot of unique spots that we utilize.
This is an awesome section in the evening - there is also a new path that has been developed through this area. It is going to be an awesome location for both family and high school senior portraits.
We have some very unique barn doors that are one of a kind props
Down by the 1957 ford pickup working with the breeze
A pose on the ground with leaves in the background
The north side of our barn - the wood siding has a blue tint - so different that the other parts of the bar. And there is nothing light norther light for photography.
Natural posing helpers - as opposed to bringing the kitchen chair outside to pose the family.
Our 1957 ford pick as a natural posing helper and at the same time an awesome background.
Our junk pile to pose this family - one thing that I learned years ago each and every person has to have their own unique space in the dynamics of a family portrait. No two faces should be at the same level and each must be in their own vertical space (meaning no ones face directly above another). This is where the natural posing helpers help us create this portrait flow.